Wednesday 3 July 2013

Remembering Alex Ferguson in quotes...

On competitiveness: "I've never played for a draw in my life." [Source]
On bad performance: "You can't always come in shouting and screaming. That doesn't work. No one likes to get criticised. But in the football dressing room, it's necessary that you point out your players' mistakes. I do it right after the game. I don't wait until Monday, I do it, and it's finished. I'm on to the next match. There is no point in criticising a player forever." [Source]
On getting the most out of people: "One of my players has been sent off several times. He will do something if he gets the chance – even in training. Can I take it out of him? No. Would I want to take it out of him? No. If you take the aggression out of him, he is not himself. So you have to accept that there is a certain flaw that is counterbalanced by all the great things he can do." [Source]
On defeat: "Sometimes in football you have to hold your hand up and say, yeah, they're better than us." [Source]
On motivation: "There is no room for criticism on the training field. For a player – and for any human being – there is nothing better than hearing 'well done'. Those are the two best words ever invented in sports. You don't need to use superlatives." [Source]
On rival teams (when Real Madrid were interested to buy Cristiano Ronaldo): “Do you think I would enter into a contract with that mob? Absolutely no chance. I would not sell them a virus. That is a ‘No’ by the way. There is no agreement whatsoever between the clubs.” [Source]
On losing control: "You can't ever lose control – not when you are dealing with 30 top professionals who are all millionaires. If they misbehave, we fine them, but we keep it indoors. And if anyone steps out of my control, that's them dead." [Source]
On his past: "If my parents were still alive, they would be very proud. They gave me a good start in life, the values that have driven me, and the confidence to believe in myself." [Source]
On being a true champion: "Only true champions come out and show their worth after defeat- and I expect us to do that." [Source]
On choosing your team: "We never reveal the team to the players until the day of the game. For a three o'clock game, we tell them at one o'clock and before that I speak to the players I've left out. I do it privately. It's not easy, but I do them all myself. It is important. I have been dropped from a cup final in Scotland as a player at 10 past two, so I know what it feels like." [Source]
On team talk: "I like to tell different stories, and use my imagination. But generally, it is about our expectations, their belief in themselves, and their trust in each other." [Source]
On the final whistle: "I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Football. Bloody hell.’" [Source]

On retiring: “I think it’s important to work and I’m entitled to work. Some people do not want to work but I want to continue working” [Source]

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