Thursday 12 September 2013

Super Humans

Popular fictional characters like Superman, Spider-man and even Ben10, have kept the world of television entertainment spinning for many years. During my childhood days, I had imagined myself flying like superman. I remember climbing the roof of the servant’s quarters that was at my parents’ house, then jumping down to the ground. We would climb the roof with the help of the Mango tree that was adjacent to the servant’s quarters. Luckily, I don’t remember any one of us breaking a leg from that activity or any other fatality befalling any of us. We owe the sandy terrain that abounds in Mongu town for the lack of a serious accident to any of us. Sometimes our obsession makes us do unimaginable things but as we grow up, we realise that superman and X-men only exist in comics and movies.

However, I have come across some people that want to carry themselves as if they were a grade above the rest of humanity. Almighty, more important and more superior than the rest is how they seem to be carrying themselves. I even get the feeling they may feel they need to be 'worshiped'.

Humans vary a lot when it comes to ability. Some can jump higher than others can only imagine, some run with footballs like their feet had magnets, and others dream up new technologies that change the world. But that’s only the tip of the ability iceberg. It does not make them any more human than anybody else. Granted, most of these super abilities are probably genetic, but it’s interesting to note that any of us might develop one or two of any such ability with a little practice. So buddy you aint any bit more special!

Going about carrying yourself like you are God’s most prized gift to humanity is one thing, treating others like rubbish is yet another thing altogether. All because of what? You think you are wealthier than the next person! If some of these people just cared enough to look at their back side(yes their ass!) and look at themselves without any blurred vision they would borrow the Ostrich’s ‘wisdom’ of burying its head in the sand.

No one, no matter how powerful, wealthy, handsome/beautiful, talented or whatever trait they possess that makes them feel more important must go on disrespecting others with impunity. This kind of unabated self-contentedness is the most dangerous cancer our society faces. It is the responsibility of every member of society to help achieve inclusive communities and to promote good relations between each other by being tolerant and having respect for diversity. You can do so by making sure that your own conduct does not cause offence or misunderstanding.

Most people who bother with the matter at all would admit that society is in a bad way, but it is generally assumed that we cannot by conscious action do anything about it. Our civilization is decadent and our human relations -- so the argument runs -- must inevitably share in the general collapse. It is just a matter of giving up bad habits where one thinks the world revolves because of them. It is not even asking for selflessness of sacrificing one’s own interest for the greater good. It is simply asking everyone to respect the other and treating the next person as your equal. At the core of ‘respect others’ is the ‘golden rule’, as the good book asks of us, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Being respectful is something that should be incorporated into each one’s everyday lifestyle and part of regular social skills. Being respectful is shown in a lot more ways than just using your "please" and "thank you." You also need to feel respect for someone even if they don't respect themselves or you. Or at least act like it. Remember- It takes respect to earn respect.
  • Respect Others. Because respect is a two-way street, by respecting others you will find yourself respected. This is also known as the "Golden Rule" of treating others as you wish to be treated. Show patience and humility. The other person may learn something from you. This does not imply becoming a doormat.
  • Show kindness and courtesy. Always consider the next persons position and feelings before reacting. Simple acts of kindness and courtesy are more important than Braggadocio arrogance –to put it in the words of George Mpombo.
  • Don't "bad-mouth" other people. If there is a problem, try addressing it directly with the person instead of talking behind their back (Especially if you are going to be saying things in their presence but using ‘riddles’ that only you and your 'clique' will understand and not your subject).
  • See the opposing viewpoint. Try to understand another person's views, even if different from your own. It does not mean agreeing with them, but does show respect for their opinion
  • Have manners. Good manners include not speaking unless spoken to, showing regard and concern for others. Good manners also reflects good upbringing.
George Owell's book 'Animal farm' depicted pigs as the ruling elite that considered themselves more important than the rest of the animals and kept all other animals in support of Napoleon's dictatorship with the propaganda of Squealer

My view… my thoughts
On this blog site, I seek to express my opinions on current events or news both local and international. In order to embrace free thought to the fullest, most of the time I question the status quo or provide alternatives. But the bottom line is that I just want to express myself. I express myself on all that is bothering me, all that is exciting me, all that puzzles me, all that I learn from everyday life and basically all that makes me feel like I have given out a part of me by taking a position and putting it in ink. As my friend Keith Hamusute rightly put it to me, “you are never completely free as a writer till you vent out. Whether it is to an audience of one (yourself), three or thousands doesn't really matter. What matters is that your story is told, from your eyes, from your perspective.”

In the week that the Zambia National soccer team yet again failed to qualify to the FIFA world cup, I really wanted to blog about my observations of the team post AFCON 2012. I wanted to ask myself and provide opinions as to whether the tag of ‘champions’ played against Zambia. I wanted to question if the Coach, Monsieur Herve Renard had been using the right tactics as he has been setting out his teams not to win games but to avoid losing. I had so many questions, views and opinions regarding this matter. 

Then, my mind has been more on some petty Braggadocio behaviour directed my way. I find the behavior of people to consider themselves more important than others very archaic. Is this not what education seeks to amputate from the human mind? Or is it a case of being schooled only and never getting educated? Self-centeredness, total disregard and lack of respect for others is the worst form of showing off that one is a social misfit.  It is worse than Miley Cyrus’ new found love for the nude or her exploits in making the term ‘twerking’ find space in the Oxford English dictionary.

I have really been sore since I heard some people using derogatory remarks aimed at others and funny enough, I included. Out of respect, I never reacted negatively. Even if the rest of us were, ‘less’ than them in achievements, lower than them in social class or darker than them in complexion -- so what? No one should find happiness and fulfillment in belittling the other. This is actually a sign of personal inadequacy. Those that lack cannot find inner peace. To be contented human beings we need to realise that all beings have a right to happiness, just as we do. Taking others’ interests into account not only helps them, it also helps us. Warm-heartedness and concern for others are a part of human nature and are at the core of positive human values. A bit of humility won’t kill. In fact it means you are mature, dependable and strong. You don't have to go about blowing your trumpet for you to be recognized.

On a lighter ending, What a time to blog my frustrations. On the eve of the 1st Friday 13th of the year! I guessed right, you are not the superstitious type. Guess what, you not superman either. Get over it. The world doesn’t need you more than it needs another. And face it, you will die – just like I will die.

“He died not for men, but for each man. If each man had been the only man made, He would have done no less.”


  1. Brilliant write-up Patrice. It seems whoever it is, really rubbed you the wrong way with their braggadocio and self-exaltation. I hope they read this blog post and amend their ways.

    You make a very important point about wider society to some extent accepting or tolerating individuals who have a propensity towards self-exaltation. We see this a lot in lyrics of popular music, in particular hip-hop, where rappers boast about how bigger their cars, dicks, houses and guns are, how better looking their girls are, how fatter their bank accounts are and so forth. We have politicians who wantonly flaunt their wealth all in a bid to belittle the next person.

    It reminds me of an interesting experience between Jesus and his disciples. They had been jostling for positions and arguing about who was the greatest among them, some to the extent of lobbying their mothers to speak to Jesus so that they could be considered. Jesus' answer must have turned their world upside down. He actually said, his version of greatness was the opposite of what the world considered greatness. In His view, greatness was about service to others.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. Thanks Keith,this issue of self-exaltation is really becoming a cancer in our society.
