Friday 12 July 2024

The fallacy of maid centers and criminality thereof:

 Part 1:

To avoid a long write up, I will split this into parts. The short of it is that I have come to the realization that maid centers (at least the one my family dealt with) are nothing but the center of criminality. Possibly in collusion with criminals.

My family literally paid this center to give us a convicted criminal. When we started missing things in the house it was from the masters bedroom. Deep in the hidden crevices of our bedroom. A tablet, 2 phones and expensive perfumes and we knew something was wrong.

Entrance to Clemolis Kwamwena Valley Maid Center

With our elder son (15) in boarding School, my niece (20) out of town for School post grade 12, in the house was my wife, 4 years old daughter, the maid of 11years (40) and a dedicated nanny for our daughter whom we got 3 months ago (22 as was given from the maid center).

On Friday morning of 5th July 2024, everything came to a headstop while preparing to go for work when my wife realized some of her unused perfumes missing. I left and went to the office while she quickly searched both the maids and nothing was found on them. 

However, at 15hrs, my wife received a call from our maid of 11years, that the nanny had packed her things and gone away. She quickly put a call to the center where we had got her from. The center is based in Vorna Valley and has a branch in Meanwood Kwamwena Valley near Zesco substation and right opposite the UCZ church being built.

The representative of the maid center responded that this girl, her name Bridget Mwanza, had been to the maid center earlier in the week where she informed them that she had been let go and her home was far so she left some bags and some plastic bags there on Wednesday. Then on Friday she returned to the same center with the rest of her belongings.

Now, this is a someone who had never been fired, my wife and her actually spent most of the day with her on Thursday as we had a hospital visit for our daughter and as the nanny, we went her. 

Having leant of her disappearance from home, my wife went straight to Kwamwena police post after work to report the issue and as she was driving to the station out of nowhere the nanny, Bridget is also coming from the shop near the station so she was called at the station. 

At the station she denied having stolen anything from the house and indicated that in fact there was also another maid in the house. The police then told my wife that in order to detain Bridget, they had to detain the other maid as well because as a suspects as at that time the presumption of innocent until proven guilty stood. 

My wife contacted me and I said if that be the case then let them not detain either of them as my gut feeling told me Bridget was guilty. We were not going to let someone we have been with for 11 years as a stay in maid, go through police detention for the sins of another. My wife then informed the maid center about everything that transpired at the police.

On Saturday, morning of the 6th of July my wife called one of her work mates, gave her contacts to the maid center and asked the friend to pretend to be in search of a maid.

This friend got in touch with the center, and voilà, they gave her a list of available maids and Bridget was on the list. 

Just how? Someone just reported for theft? You want her to go to another home. Not before everything is settled. 

Part 2 will shock you.

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