Friday 12 July 2024

The fallacy of maid centers and criminality thereof:

Part 2.

Here we go. 
As a maid center, you give a client a maid, then she rocks up at one of your centers claiming to have been fired, drops some bags and goes away. You are not bothered. 

You still have contacts to your client. As a business, isn't it in your best interests to contact your client to try and learn what went wrong? Why was she fired? Does the client need another maid? Is it to do with something that you do not teach in your curriculum to prepare these maids? Anything, just any question you can ask yourselves. 

Granted maids get fired often, but as professionals running a business registered with PACRA, and maybe possibly being regulated by some body, where is your sense of responsibility? 

Okay fine, let's assume she was fired. Doesn't someone rocking up and leaving things and going back not ring a bell? 

The worst part. You haven't asked any questions, 2 or 3 days later your client calls you and informs you that this person has run away and right now she has been reported to Police for theft. You actually confirm that the same person has been to one of your premises claiming to have been fired and is currently up for the next client (edit to read victim). 

The very next day a new prospective client gets in touch with you and without a wink she is included as one of the available maids. 

Wow. Just wow. Not a chance. 

Anyway the narration continues from where part 1 ended. 

So on the morning of Saturday 6th July 2024, my wife's friend got in touch with the maid center looking for a maid, and she was given a list of available maids and among them Bridget Mwanza aged 27. With her picture to go with. 

Wait 27? Three months ago when she was given to us, she was 22. Three months later she is 27. Just how? 

The age lies aside, but why is someone reported to a maid center for theft and only missed police detention by a whisker of technicality, still active on queue for 'deployment' to another home? 

Screen shot of the initial picture and text sent by the center

This did not sit down well with us. So we went back to the Police station. This time I accompanied my wife and we found a female officer on duty who questioned why the nanny was not detained. She immediately sent us in to see the officer in charge and we obliged. We explained to the officer in charge what happened the previous day and that we wanted the police to conduct a search on this girl especially that she had moved some things earlier in the week. The maid center she had moved the things to was on the other side of the road less than 300meters right across from the station we could see it, since the church is still being built so it is a cleared piece of land with no buildings. 

The officer in charge asked us to go there ask the maid center people to search her bags as we look on. When we got to the maid center, we were informed that Bridget had gone to Salama Park where her sister lived and she carried a bag and a plastic. She also had gone to buy a new bag earlier. 

So we informed the person in charge there about what had transpired. I demanded to speak to the proprietor. She called someone, but it wasn't the proprietor, instead in was another lady manning the other subsidiary in Vorna Valley. She put her on loud speaker. The lady from Vorna Valley spoke about her surprise to see Bridget in their groups being put as available since Wednesday. She had not head anything from the client about that. Then more surprised about the police case when she was called by my wife while at the police. 

At this point, I realized we were not making progress so again I asked that the proprietor be called. Once she was called, my wife spoke first and queried her as to why Bridget was being made available with a pending police issue. Her response was that she was put up as available on the basis that she went back claiming to have been fired. 

I interjected and asked her why after the police issue the previous day the same maid was still advertised. Their answer was still because Bridget went to claim she was fired. I realized that we weren't making any progress, so I told them we had just come from the police and they asked us to ask them to conduct a search on the belongings for Bridget. The proprietor agreed and asked her employee to oblige and carry out the search.

"Martha, baleke ba client ba seche (sic), chosani ma bag yake," she said, as I interjected to tell them that they conduct the search themselves as we just look on. 

The search was swiftly performed and none of our belongings were found. But something else telling had happened. Bridget had left much earlier with other bags and claimed to have headed to Salama Park. 

Fortunate enough, after a month with us, my wife had released Bridget for a weekend and she insisted on dropping her where she would be going. It was indeed in Salama Park at an unfinished house where it seemed someone living there was a caretaker. My wife couldn't forget the house as a niece of ours lives just in the next street. 

So we followed to Salama Park. When we got there, a girl in her early 20's came out and denied knowing anyone called Bridget Mwanza. A man who claimed to have been visiting was sat down and said he too didn't know any Bridget. We asked for the person that lived there and we were told she was having her lunch but would come as soon as they were done with their meal. 

Few minutes later a lady who we assumed works for one of the retail chain stores came out wearing a T-shit for the store. In fact, Bridget had once told my wife a story that her brother in law runs the said chain store. Once we asked her about Bridget the lady agreed to knowing her, that she was her sister, but said she had not seen her in over a year. The last part shocked my wife. This is the same place she had dropped Bridget at. Bridget had even greeted the kids by name, as soon as she had disembarked from the car. The lady even agreed to the mentioned names of the children as the actual names of her children, but still claimed to have never seen Bridget. Not that day on 6th July, not any other day in the last 6 months but more than a year ago. 

We were in shock because while Bridget lived with us the last 3 months, she had been released  more than twice to go and visit her family over weekends and each time she claimed to have gone to Salama Park at her sister's place. My wife even dropping her once. At this point, the sister said maybe as soon as she was dropped she set off for her other sister in "Libala". She placed a call to her other sister whom we could hear saying she had not seen Bridget for about a year equally but suddenly turned up that morning. The 2nd sister requested that we be put on the call. As soon as my wife started to explain that Bridget worked as a domestic worker at our home and had just run off the previous day, the sister asked, "what did she take?" 

"Perfume and phones," my wife replied. 
The sister without wasting time just stated, "bwelani viliko". Apparently Bridget turned up there earlier after not being seen for a long time and she arrived with a plastic full of items among them phones, tablet, branded clothes for the company I work for, and shoes among other things. 

Look out for part 3. 
In part 3, I narrate how we eventually recovered some of the items, meeting the sister and her husband and the chat we had with them. How they told us about her previous thefts from several places including one for household goods including a plasma TV set that got her arrested and sentenced to jail where she served time. They also narrated to us about how alias, Mary Nonde, an identity she stole from someone and had an NRC done in that name and even store grade 12 school results for the same and was using those 6 points results to get jobs in that name. 

Part 3 is perhaps the most 'jaw dropping' because it is quite graphic and very detailed. From how some of the items were recovered to how we then got her now arrested and detained. And most importantly how I link the maid center in perpetuating these crimes. The proprietor of the maid center was on the way to the police when I started typing parts 1 and 2 on my phone while seated at the police station as my wife was giving her statement. I left the station with my wife, went to bed, and at some point lost sleep and started to type part 3. Part 3 is done she hasn't yet arrived. If I pick anything from her in our one on one interaction, I will probably do a part 4. 

For now look out for the final and most shocking part 3. The recovery and eventual arrest of Bridget the Nanny and her litany of past crimes.

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